The Group's main asset: its employees

Ekinops considers that the Group's main asset is its employees. As part of its human resources policy, the Group is careful to maintain and develop the skills of its employees, ensure good working conditions and preserve their well-being and health, and retain them through a policy of mobility and attractive compensation.

The development of a genuine corporate culture enables all employees to unite around a common project, driven by the desire to develop the business and by the desire to work in a positive team dynamic.

Culture of Ekinops

Rules of conduct

The principles and rules of stock market ethics are the subject of a procedure and an internal memorandum distributed to all Group employees with the aim of raising awareness of the principles of behavior required of insiders, particularly during the so-called "blackout periods". The Group has also set up a list of permanent insiders and keeps it up to date.

Report an alert

You may report an alert using the form linked below and select the "Alert the Ethics Committee" category. Please rest assured that your request will be handled anonymously. Only the ethics committee will have the details you provide.

Alert procedure

This alert (whistleblower) procedure is accessible to employees, corporate officers, external or temporary employees of the Ekinops Group, customers and suppliers.

The alert procedure set up within the Ekinops Group guarantees the confidentiality of the identity of the person making the report, of the facts that are the subject of the report and of the persons targeted by the report.

The alert procedure is managed by the Ethics Committee represented by two employees and a member of the Board of Directors.

It falls within the scope of the French "Sapin II" law; law n°2016-1691 of December 9, 2016

A presentation is available for more information on this alert system.

Related Resources

Ekinops Group
Corporate Code of Conduct

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Social and Governance policy ?


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